速報APP / 生活品味 / Ultimate Photo Effects

Ultimate Photo Effects



檔案大小:26.1 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Ultimate Photo Effects(圖1)-速報App

Add a amazing Attractive effects to your photo-make your photo more Beautiful using "Ultimate Photo Effects" tool-apply good effects Filters ,shapes ,patterns ,frames/borders ,stickers ,Text to the photo-Adjust the brightness of your choice , do cropping , blurring , Rotation , resizing of the images-This iOS tool is designed with you in mind . Making it fun , effortless , attractive , great looking , Beautiful , totally unique and completely of your own choice to edit your photo.

Features :

Ultimate Photo Effects have the following features using it you can make photo more attractive more beautiful.

1) Filter

Apply one of the Gorgeous filter to your picture from the vast collection of the photo filters-the collection include the following filters- Linear-Vignette- Instant- Process- Transfer- Sepia-Chrome - Fade- Curve- Tonal- Noir- Mono- Invert

2) Adjustment

Adjust the brightness - Contrast - black & white of your photo.

3) Effect

Ultimate Photo Effects(圖2)-速報App

Apply the attractive unique effects to the photo of your choice from the great collection -Spot - hue - Highlight - Bloom - Gloom - Posterize - Pixel ate

4) Blur & Focus

Ultimate photo effects have many different blurring and focus option that can make your photo more attractive . In this app you can use Blur in the form of circle - normal - band in this way you can focus the area of inters to blur from the photo.

5) Rotate

Rotate photo in every angle you want - can rotate photo and flip it horizontally - vertically .

Automate rotate angle and selected rotate angle option available.

6) Crop

Crop the area from the picture . Fixed and manually cropping options available.

Ultimate Photo Effects(圖3)-速報App

7) Resize

Adjust the size of photo . can resize up to fixed / selected values and also can resize the photo of your own value.

8) Emotions

For making fun you can apply emotions to your photos from the great collection of emotions available to the app - Sad - happy - Loved - Excited - sick - cute - sleepy - in love - alone - angry - bored - confused - cool - crazy - Disappointed - fresh - funny - hungry - naughty .

9) Stickers

Choose from the delightful collection of the stickers to make photo attractive - for fun you can also found many stickers.

10) Text

Huge collection of text font is available - add the good name - quotation to your photo using any stylish font - can rotate and apply effects to the text as well - that make it more useful.

Ultimate Photo Effects(圖4)-速報App

11) Frames / Border

after applying all the effects-doing all the adjustment then apply unique frames from the gorgeous collection of the frames.

Ultimate Photo Effects(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad